Wednesday, December 6, 2006

December 2006 WEB EXCLUSIVE: Misquoting Jesus

...and Jesus said, “Forgive them, father: they know not what I really said.”
Biblical Scholar Proclaims New Testament a Testament to Misinformation
By L. Llewellyn James
Staff Writer

Often, history has produced a wide array of influences, convergences and cultural engagements that have turned into lamentable entanglements.

According to Bart Ehrman, Chairman of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina and life-long biblical scholar in his easily-followed-by-laymen journey though the early years of the Christian church, Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why (HarperSanFrancisco, $24.95), the single most egregious producer of historical angst and sociological conflict the planet may have ever known very well may be the venerated collection of stories, spiritual dissertations and arguments collectively comprising the entirety of the Christian New Testament.

Ehrman briefly covers his personal quest for spiritual rejuvenation in the introduction, wherein he discusses how the tenor of this book has been a personal quest of sorts, ever since his pre-adolescence in Kansas, in the 1950s. Having been acclimated to the tales and teachings of the bible from a fastidiously devout mother who routinely read to her children from the scriptures, Ehrman grew to be a typical American.

When he had become a sophomore in high school, however, Ehrman recounts a spiritual transmogrification, wherein the bible became less the “mysterious book of some importance for religion”, and more a potent treatise on how to achieve a new-found level of comfort and fulfillment in the bosom of a loving messiah. While attending meetings of a local youth ministry in his hometown, Ehrman made the acquaintance of a charismatic, youthful-though-slightly-older ministerial guide referred to as “Bruce”. Bruce had an uncanny familiarity with the rudiments of scripture, which impressed the young Ehrman.

After high school, Ehrman decided to enroll at the hyper-conservative Moody Bible Institute, pursuing a degree in Biblical Theology. At Moody, Ehrman recounts how the entirety of the staff and students were required to sign a statement, wherein they affirmed that the bible was the absolute, inerrant word of God.

“There was an obvious problem,” Ehrman recollects in the introduction, “[...] with the claim that the Bible was verbally inspired.”

While a student at Moody, one of the most constant points of discussion on campus had been the idea of a lack of the original scripts of what we know today as the New Testament of the Bible. This did not result in a problem for most attendees at Moody, as they seemed content to rest assured in the inspired nature of the writings in general, in spite of not having what are called the Autographs, or originals,of the new testament.

After receiving his degree from Moody, Ehrman decided to attempt to become a highly educated, Evangelical scholar in the domicile of the conventional, secular academic circles of America. This, Ehrman reasoned, would entail attending an upper-loft evangelical college outside of Chicago called Wheaton College. Here, Ehrman would befriend many evangelical Christians who would prove unafraid of calling their faith into doubt. Whereas Ehrman initially found the idea of faith-questioning tantamount to outright, sinful wavering, Ehrman became convinced that there was a sincerity and humbling pursuit of the truth sought by his peers and instructors at Wheaton.

As he found that he would need to be well-versed in Ancient Greek in order to properly inquire of the earliest known examples of the scriptures, Ehrman immersed himself in the study of Greek variances and linguistic regulation. After completing his course of study at Wheaton, Ehrman went to study at Princeton Theological Seminary, wherein Ehrman found his last remaining vestiges of faith put to the test by the religious professors there.

As he attempted to complete a paper on the Gospel of Mark, chapter 2, Ehrman attempted to discuss a passage that had long been pointed to as one that proved that the New Testament was, in fact, not completely inerrant: As Christ's disciples eat the grain of a wheat field while walking though it on the Sabbath (or holy day, wherein no observant Jew is allowed to work), Christ makes mention of King David and his army going to the consecrated temple of their time roughly 700-900 years earlier, partaking of the sacred shew bread that Hebrew Law deems verboten for non-clerical personnel to touch.

Christ rebuffs the ultra-legalistic Pharisees (a first-tier, well-heeled religious order of the Hebrew Nation and faith recorded as being singular remonstrators of Jesus' ministry) by stating that David's actions prove that “The Sabbath was made for humans, not humans for the Sabbath.” Christ is shown as stating that David ate the shew bread, “When Abiathar was the high priest.”

However, the text in what is known today as the “Old Testament” in Christian circles – the Jewish Tanakh – the character of Abiathar was not, in fact, the high priest. Rather, Ahemilech, Abiathar's father was (1 Samuel 21: 1-6). As Ehrman regarded himself as a still-devout Christian, he invented a rationale for this apparent discrepancy between the Jewish Tanakh and the Christian Old Testament with fanciful wording Ehrman now regards as “involved and a bit convoluted”.

Professor Story, the instructor at Princeton to whom Ehrman had accorded the assignment, looked at Ehrman's discussion points and simply made the following note: “maybe Mark just made a mistake.” From that time onward, Ehrman became ever more cynical about the validity of his faith. This book is fascinating not just merely in its revolutionary undertones and challenges to devout, biblically aware Christians, about the alleged finiteness of their faith. It proves engrossing, as it offers the reader the ability to watch the cumulative development of an erudite human being wrestling with the undertones of a historical record too important to ignore, yet seemingly too unfathomable to reconcile.

“Not only do we not have the originals,” Ehrman states, “we don't have the first copies of the originals. We don't even have copies of the copies of the originals, or copies of the copies of the copies of the copies of the originals. What we have are copies made centuries later and these copies all differ from one another, in many thousands of places.”

Ehrman echoes the declaration of most prominent biblical scholars, in stating that the New Testament contains “more differences among [the] manuscripts, then there are words in the New Testament.” If Ehrman is correct, the dilemma is this: how can a system of religion intent upon making pronouncements on correct behavior, as communicated by its allegedly deeply flawed records, be said to have merit?

The answer may be quite convoluted and engaging, for biblical scholar, layman philosopher and casual observer alike: is the utilization of fallible, human scribes attempting to transcribe numerous copies of the same words by hand, over a thousand years before the invention of the printing press enough to disparage the spiritual validity of the bible?

As this reviewer read one example of biblical inaccuracy posited by Ehrman concerning Christ's Sermon on the Mount (featured in Matthew 5), I had occasion to wonder about some of Ehrman's own ideas on biblical interpretation, irrespective of his advanced qualifications.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is shown at one point stating that “you have heard it said, 'you shall not commit adultery, but I say to you, 'whoever looks at a woman to lust after her in his heart has already committed adultery with her.’”

Ehrman declares that this passage is logistically problematic, as “it is hard to see how one can follow Moses' command to give a certificate of divorce, if in fact divorce is not an option.” With all due respect to Mr. Ehrman, this reviewer can recall an episode in the scriptures wherein Jesus is asked about the apparent antithetical nullification of his statements on divorce by religious thinkers of his day, to which Jesus replied, “Moses granted you a certificate for divorcement, because of the hardness of your hearts.”

It is here where the book approaches critical mass: it serves as a welcome addition to the centuries-old dispute about faith, consequences of meaning, spiritual understanding versus intellectual acumen and the possibilities of life and death being shrouded in secrecy...or biological functions of the present age.

WEB EXCLUSIVE: What Political Issues Really Matter

Political Issues in the U.S
By Ram Root
Staff Writer

Now that the elections are over, we can get on with our lives. Wrong! Whether we like it or not, political issues are here to stay and drive us insane. We all heard about them in the campaign for Congress. It seems wherever you go there is always some political issue hitting the airwaves that is either about gay marriage, the Iraq War, or illegal immigration. Frankly, we let ourselves take these issues so seriously that we hold it against people for having a different point of view.

The truth is, after reading this article you may have some of those negative feelings towards me (Don’t Care!). I intend to just show what issues should be taken seriously, and which ones aren’t even worth talking about. Now what I may say in this article may offend you, just remember Horizons is open to anyone who would like to respond.

I recently wrote an article about illegal immigration and my stance on it. It did offend some people and got people to think about the issue more. Frankly, I am against anyone coming into this country illegally, and I do not support the President’s proposal of a guest worker program, or “amnesty” as a lot of people call it. I could go on and on about illegal immigration, but I already wrote about it last spring.

So, which political issue should I address? The Iraq War, abortion, political correctness, gay marriage, war on terror, or global warming? How about all of them?

The Iraq War has gotten a lot of disapproval lately, mainly from those who were against it in the beginning. Now some Republicans have moved away from the President on this issue. A part of me finds myself for the war and to stay the course. I happen to think that the President should have been very aggressive in the beginning of the war, but instead the Administration decided not to bomb or mobilize troops in certain areas of the country.

Many experts feel that if troops are pulled out of Iraq, a lot of people will be slaughtered by those in favor of the radical Islamic views. It is a very strong possibility. A lot of people in this country do not get that.

However, there is the other side of me thinks that our troops should leave Iraq, and we should have them begin the process of going into Iran which does have the nuclear proficiency to make weapons and use them to their advantage.

A lot of people still think the war was mainly about weapons of mass destruction. This may be why they first felt going into Iraq was a good idea, but now feel otherwise because of what the “Alphabet” networks present to them. It was more about going into Iraq and taking down Saddam’s regime and power. I personally feel that the war on terror should be brought to the whole Middle East and have it flattened, but we live in a time of political correctness.

I would like to live in an idealistic world where there would be no political correctness. That way more things can get done. David Koch, Associate Professor of History, says, “there are some harmful aspects to political correctness but there are some good things.”

When it comes to issues such as gay marriage and abortion, it seems that it is getting shoved down our throats. The news seems to focus on these issues a lot even though they are always being talked about outside the media. I don’t need to see women holding wire coat hangers or demonstrations with people and celebrities marching in the streets because they think their right and everyone else is wrong. That is what our media likes to focus on, and in the meantime we are in the middle of a war, which doesn’t seem to be as important.

I am for abortion. I think that a woman should have the right to choose. It seems as if many women regard abortion (late term or not) to be the most important issue in a campaign. Whether a candidate is for or against abortion, we as people have to know where they stand on the issue when in reality; it shouldn’t have to be this way. It is a personal issue for women and who should say it isn’t. Koch says “there is no middle ground on abortion.” He also says, “To a lot of the majority of people in this country it is important.”

I personally look at abortion as a way of sustaining population growth. It is necessary to have. There are way too many children in this world with no families/homes, children who had lost their parents or simply the mother did not want to care for the kid. Why should a child be brought into this world if no one is going to take care of him or her?

Another issue I think is not really that important is the gay marriage issue. It seems as if it is too early to bring fourth this issue to the American people. I also just happen to think that marriage is only for a man and woman. Now some of you may feel that is prejudiced view, but it is only a view.

However, according to a lot of people, that means I hate gays, which is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I do support civil unions and gay adoption. With civil unions the state recognizes that a gay couple is together and they deserve the same benefits as married people. Therefore, they can have children who need homes and can live with good people who will take care of them. I just happen to feel that marriage was designed for one man and one woman.

Now it seems that the courts are hearing cases on gay marriage. This is something I don’t think the courts should hear because it could lead to courts having the last word on issues instead of the people being able to decide. I wouldn’t want to live in a world where the courts have the final say in any matter regarding political issues. For instance, take Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain is when the government takes private property for public use and gives compensation to the owner. However, if you look at most cases the government is taking property from those who are in the middle class and lower classes of society. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld this decision on Eminent Domain in June 2005 in the Kelo vs. New London case. This is just one of many examples of the Supreme Court deciding how Americans should live. If you need another example, just remember the Terri Schiavo case.

The last issue I will talk about is global warming. I promise this is the last issue I will talk about. Afterwards you can send in your letters.

I happen to find global warming a load of crap. I find it to be an issue that is exploited for all the wrong reasons. There is no evidence that is exists. It is only a theory. Besides in the sixties, environmentalists were worried that the world would cool and called it global cooling.

On a website that concerns itself with global warming called, Dr. Sallie Baliunas of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics says, “increases in magnetism at the center of our solar system correlate quite strongly with temperature rises here on Earth.”
This would mean that the sun is the reason why the earth is warming and is not man made as some politicians would like you to think. She also says, "The science altogether is unsettled, but we know for sure that the models that make the predictions into the future are exaggerating the warmth." So the data gathered is not entirely accurate to say global warming is real and we’re all doomed.

Now that I’m done spewing off, let’s recap. I think issues regarding gay marriage and abortion get too much attention and do not focus on other important events. The War on Terror needs to be more aggressive, political correctness stinks and does a lot of harm. The courts are a danger to the country in determining how we should live, and global warming is nothing more than an unproven theory.

I know that what I’ve said has probably gotten some of you pretty angry. If I did get you angry, that’s good because that means you’ll actually start to think about what I said and reflect how you really feel. These issues are never going to go away, and that just leaves more room for debate.