By Desirae Williams
Staff Writer
Ever think of connecting with yourself on a deeper level? Of being able to listen to signals from your body? Or the emotions that your heart felt? Or even the simplest, yet most peculiar ideas that arise from your mind?
Have you ever thought about how this unique relationship, seemingly, works together without your conscious awareness? After so many questions, it is well to know that your thoughts may have answers if you take the initiative to redirect your life in a more holistic manner; focusing on the relationship between your heart, mind, and body.
Many individuals face a point in their lives when they seem to plateau, finding it hard to juggle responsibilities and what they ultimately want to enjoy out of this life. However, it’s better late than never to find some equilibrium in our lives, and to finally start appreciating it in a whole new way. Always remember that greater awareness of the complexities of our nature can help shape who we want to become in the future.
The first step would be to recognize this balance—mind, body, and soul—and that it can lead to higher achievements in life. provides multiple links to nothing but nurturing well-being sites. Concurrently, their mission stands by the holistic approach to life’s more bleak moments. They urge the understanding of simple things in life as a way of coping with hardships or appreciating what our rewards are.
Be smart, realize that healthy living is about understanding how your emotions can affect your thinking, and how your health can affect your body. When an aspect of your life is off balance- you have a cold, you’re upset after an argument- it usually affects something else; how you can complete homework assignments? If left to its own devices, any unbalanced lifestyle can lead to complications.
The connection between physical health and mental health makes them whole, and each part is of equal importance.
There are exercises that can enhance your physiology as well as your mind. Yoga, a callisthenic, has gained popularity amongst celebrity clients and people who swear by the harmonious lifestyle it promotes. The elements of this routine are a combination of physical postures, specialized breathing techniques, and meditation to promote relaxation. Although there isn’t any definitive evidence that states the health conditions that yoga combats, it is said to reduce stress levels, heart rate and blood pressure, as well as increasing lung capacity and mood.
The Community Health Network of CT knows firsthand that it is imperative to make exercise a part of the daily routine and created a statewide initiative called, “Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies” to back its mission. It strives to educate the community through annual, daylong events that promote healthier foods, activity plans, and an overall well-being as a lifestyle, according to The design behind this program is another element of making balanced decisions.
A nutritional regimen is also a key component in maintaining a wholesome balance. According to, it is recommended to intake as much fruits, vegetables, and whole grains as possible. The site urges people to formulate a meal plan that consists of balanced consumption of salts, sugars, dairy, and meats which contribute to overall health. The food pyramid, also known as MyPyramid, is strategically shaped and organized with the most important focus of the diet towards the base and the less frequent food items towards the top.
“It’s hard for me to eat the food that is supposed to be healthier because I don’t have a lot of time to plan,” Katherine Clark, General Studies major said. This is a common plight amongst everyone, and can be transformed, if a little effort is applied, to make a bigger difference in the end.
Focusing on how to live life more holistically and within awareness of one’s self, can be as simple as changing the food that is eaten or the level of activity that you participate in.
Attempting to address any imbalance will uncover the greater potential in us. As we begin to feel more control over our lives and health, it can make everything fall into order and bring forth the greater good in every situation.
“Changing my diet might be hard, but if it means becoming more balanced, I’m down to try,” said Clark.
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